Thursday, December 06, 2007


I don't know if anyone visits this anymore, I know I hardly vist other peoples blogs. Well hello, I am alive, bearly, and looking forward to the Christmas Season. Let's all sing Christmas Carols!!! Well, random things. I have a facebook so you can see me there. I might post more here, I would like to.... think, think, think..... bye.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Playing with the Pros

So, Sunday the 16th, 2007 I participated a grand concert. For the last few years, Mrs. O'T. has held a concert in Uniontown in order to raise enough money to but a nice piano for the Catholic church there. Last year she had enough money to buy the piano, so this year she wanted to hold a think you concert, free or charge, to thank the community. Mrs. O'T. contacted me through my harp teacher and asked me to play in this concert. I said yes (only to regret it days later).

I have not played in a concert of any sort for quite a long time which made it rather exciting. What made it even more exciting was the fact that local university professors and heads of music department people were also performing. These included the Washington State University String Trio, the Tapestry women's choir, Jeff Savage on the piano, The Mauchley Duo on the piano, and the Idaho-Washington Concert Chorale Chamber Choir to mention a few. I was the youngest most inexperienced person there.

Sunday I had to be at the church (St. Boniface) by 4:00 for a 15min run through. Well, there were people there. As soon as I started playing, the room went silent. Now this church is beautiful and everything echos amazingly, so all I was hearing was the song echoing around and my own breathing. On my last song, Canon in D, played from memory, I messed up on the last bit where I never mess up and was not able to really pull it together. Everyone applauded amazingly and Mrs. O'T. said I made here cry (there were tears in her eyes).

Papa and I then hung around Uniontown till 5:30. The concert started and 6:00 and I was able to listen to the first half. For the second half I had to wait in a bed and breakfast next door to the church till it was my turn.

They came a got me and I had to wait in a small stuff entrance way for one song. Then I was on. The first two songs were surprisingly relaxed feeling and I was sort of enjoying myself. Then Canon came and everything tensed. I was fine till that same part near the end. I hit something wrong, but fudged it and got back on for the last two sections and a final grand D chord. I took my bow and joined Papa in the audience. After a couple more performers I came up for a final bow.

Afterward, I had people coming up and thanking me and telling me how much they liked it. I had one lady tell me I made her cry. A man came up and said that while I was playing a sudden idea poped into his head. "That's what it must be like to go to heaven; not loud blaring of trumpets but a soft, calming sound." I wasn't quite sure how to respond.

Despite crazy nerves I pulled through and accomplished the following: performed with the head-haunchos, made someone consider what going to heaven is like, made a few people cry, and proved to myself that "I really can do these things!"

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Presenting the all fabulous..... Sunbutter!!!!

What is sunbutter? Sunbutter is roasted sunflower seeds ground into a peanut butter substance and used as a substitute for peanut butter.

What's so great about that? Now, people who are allergic to peanuts can use Sunbutter in place of peanut butter. Then can eat PB&J sandwiches with the Sunbutter as well as us it in recipes!!!

What do I care? My litter sister is deathly allergic to peanuts so this is something she can eat!!! When her brothers have PB&J's for lunch Mama does not have to make something totally different for her. She loves Sunbutter on crackers, in oatmeal, anytime one would use peanut butter.

The taste? It tastes like sunflower seeds. The texture is just like peanut butter, only darker.

Who ever invented Sunbutter is sure to become very rich in the future. Thank you Mr. Sunbutter-Inventor!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

*yes, I know about the big picture but am too tired to deal with it so if you have any suggetions as how to get it smaller do leave a comment. If not, just enjoy the pretty scenery.


As many of you know, I this year is going to be a huge change for me. I am going to a private school and bidding homeschooling goodbye. This decision has been one of the hardest we have had to make concerning my future. Going to this school will offer a better education that I could hope to achieve on my own as well as help preparing for college. The down side is that since this decision was very last minute all the plans that I had made for homeschooling and tutorials have crashed to the ground, leaving me feeling like an uprooted traitor.

So, I am getting ready for a very busy school year. I have school from 8:30-3:15 every week day and then either work of have some activity till about 6:00 each night. I then have dinner as well as homework to finish that night. Saturdays consist of a dance class in the morning then work till 4:00. Sundays will be beautiful, glorious days of rest :)

Hope to be alive enough to continue to post but we shall see.

"Fortune is a fickle-footed ally."
-The Jewish War by Josephus

"Life brings sorrows and joys alike. It is what a man does with them- not what they do to him- that is the true test of his mettle."
-Theodore Roosevelt

Monday, August 06, 2007

It's Here

Trinity Fest!!!!

Jump For Joy Wakka Wakka Bounce Way Too Happy

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


You scored as Elinor Dashwood, As Marianne's older sister, Elinor lives at the other end of the emotional spectrum. She rarely reveals her intense feelings and is more concerned with being honest and loyal than having what she deserves. Even though her intentions are pure, she sets herself up for loss by constantly placing other people before her own needs. Overall, Elinor is gentle and rational but is just as capable of radical emotions (despite her withholding them) as her sister.

Elinor Dashwood


Jane Bennet


Emma Woodhouse


Marianne Dashwood


Elizabeth Bennet


Charlotte Lucas


Lady Catherine


Which Jane Austen Character are You? (For Females) Long Quiz!!!
created with

Hummm...... Quizzes are so fun but one wonders how true they are.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Horse Camp


Beautiful Angel.

Round up.

McGoo (Peggy's horse)

Traci, Cristina, and Amy at the river.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Dead I Think

I am here, I am alive, I had a great time at horse camp, a great birthday, and a great 4th. How 'bout you?
Here are some pictures from the work week.

Bell Mare; sweet and I love her!

Twilight; good, very fast, but I fell off of him :)

Peggy and Gus in the tack trailer.

Laura and McGoo; the perfect pair. Brenda; big and beautiful.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Where Have I Been?

So, right now I am watching You've Got Mail. It is really fun and it is pretty clean. Only one part to skip because of what they say and just a little language. Over all a very fun, girly movie.

I have an awesome job at Green's Cleaners (a dry cleaners downtown). I love my job!!! It is so fun but there are so many little details to remember. I am feeling really good about knowing what to do... except for closing, that needs a little more practice. I even have a key to the building!! The first key on my key chain :)

I will be leaving on Monday for the horse camp work week and coming back on Friday. Saturday I work, go to a graduation party, maybe host a meeting, do tons of laundry, and repack for another week of the girls horse camp. Monday through Saturday I will be at the horse camp. As soon as July gets here I will have a grand B-day party for myself and then start thinking about the SAT, ACT, and collage scholarships, plus work like crazy to make enough money for a grand trip in the spring.

So, that is what I have been up to lately :)
Type at you all later,
Many smiles :)

Like my new look??? I am having fun!!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Spring Windy 2007

Valerie and I were having fun with the camera :)

Thanks for the help!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Dance Away

Today is my dance recital. It begins at 4:00 so for all of you in this area (you know who you are) you must come because it is going to be amazing. I am dancing in five dances which include a duet with Cristina and a solo during the grand finally.

At the moment I am not nervous... but I will be :)

Grandma and Grandpa are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will talk at you later.

Smiles *plastered on face*

Kelsie 8-{

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Princess Emmaline

Here is my dear sister, dressed up and looking beautiful.

More pictures will come very soon.

Check out the Family Blog in my links.

100th POST!!!

Pictures of Mr. Thomas.

Doctor, Mama, and Thomas

Isn't he adorable??

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Thomas Calvin!!!!


I am pleased to announce the birth of Thomas Calvin Handel. He was born at 9:18 on Wednesday the 28th of March weighing in at 8 pounds 8and a half ounces and measuring 20 inches long with blue eyes and brown hair. Mother and baby are doing well and we expect them to come home this afternoon. Thank you all for your prayers!

With joy,


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Happy News!!

For all of you who read this, I have some good news. Mama went to the hospital today to have the baby!!!!!!!

I will update as soon as we know more :)

Monday, March 26, 2007


"There are four basic food groups, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles."

Erin will like this one :)

"Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house."
-Henry Ward Beecher

"You cannot put straight in others what is warped in yourself."
-On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius

Tag Here I Come

Here we are at last. This is a hard quiz!! I will give it my best shot but if I think of any better answers I will add an edit.

Character you'd most like to have over for tea?
At the moment, Dr. Frankenstein. Question I would ask. "Why did you tell your wife to go to bed and then stay down there waiting for the monster to kill you? Can't you see past yourself?"

Character you'd most like to have as a sibling?
Dymory Ingleford. He makes the best brother ever. Just read Enemy Brothers by Constance Savery to find out why.

Character you'd most like to be friends with?

Character you'd most like to have as a cousin?
Emma Woodhouse.

Character you'd most like to have an adventure with?

Favorite quirky character?
Ummmmmm..... Luna Lovegood????

Favorite love-to-hate character?
Esme Squaller.

Favorite bad guy?
I have to agree with Erin on this one The High Witch is my favorite bad guy.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You....

An update on Feminine Virtues. A long over due tag from Miss Erin. An announcement on Thomas's birth (not yet but, Lord willing soon). Driving. Break time!!! Irish dance solo. Grandparents coming. And.... A NEW CAR!!! (not mine ;)

Check out my quote above... at the very top.. :)

Monday, March 12, 2007

On the Messiah

Saturday, March 3rd the Choirs and Orchestra of Christ Church along with the NSA Choir performed Handel's Messiah. Everyone in the audience and said it was wonderful and even all the singers I have talked to agree. I, however, disagree. I must say that it was the worst choir performance I have been in. It was a lot of fun and the music was glorious to sing, but, when I think of all the little mistakes we made, and how much better and more glorious it could have been, I feel sick. There were many, many missed entrances, or entrances only a few people managed to stagger in on and so many lost dynamics and style that makes the music what it is. The tenors totally lost it during one song. The house lights were flashing on and off at this time so there was a distraction but not an excuse. I think the reason for these mistakes arose from several factors. Mainly, we, as a whole, were not as familiar with the music as we should have been. Some of the songs we had just started and for most of the time I had to read the music from my score. Another reason was a lack of watching Mr. R, the director. Everyone could have done a much better job at this. Thirdly, I think we should have practiced with the opening cues more. Even having the piano play the entrance during practice would have worked. Lastly, I think the director could have done a better job a cuing everyone. Mr. R. is a wonderful director but he has his weaknesses. So, in my view, the concert was badly done. I was so disappointed that at the end I felt that we did not deserve the applause and I had to force myself to smile. If there had been just a few mistakes I would be happy with the performance, but since so many little things piled up I am not pleased. Standing for two and a half hours did not help and since I felt nervous about the entrances I was tense and worried throughout the whole performance.
It was fun to sing, but not gratifying.

Now, Cristina and Erin, you two must present your view and I am sure it will be on the bright side of things :)


I got my DRIVER'S LICENSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is very cool and lots of fun. My first trip as a true driver was taking my little brother to a friends house. The second was driving across town to my friend's birthday party.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


OK. I swear that I will post again soon, maybe even today. Erin, I will do the tag. Cristina, I will post about the Messiah concert and put you down as a reference to hear a more cheerful account. Traci, I will come and see you!!

But right now.....

I have some scarily awesome news......

I am scheduled............

To take...........

A DRIVING TEST ON THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Arr Matey!!!

My pirate name is:
Bloody Bess Flint
Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
part of the network

Birthday Time!!!

Happy Birthday Traci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are a wonderful friend full of joy and laughter that makes me smile :)
Love you tons,
Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious birthday!!
Number 15!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Feminine Virtues

I have been attending a Feminine Virtues class taught by our pastor's wife, Mrs. W., and thought I would share some of my notes with you all.

Class 1 -Cheerfulness

Cheerfulness is being pleasantly bright.
God is the source and direction of joy and everything you do is an offering to Him.
We have a duty as Christians to be cheerful. Christians have God so we have a reason to be happy.
Be cheerful when you are giving anything, this includes doing your chores, helping people and family, etc.
Sin hinders happiness so confess your sins.
It is unworthy of a Christian to complain.

Class 2 -More on Cheerfulness

Again, sin and ingratitude hinders cheerfulness.
If you find yourself not being cheerful, count your blessings and relies what God has given to us, even it is just being thankful that we have two legs to stand on.
Murmuring always makes things worse.
Murmuring is a big wast of time and God is going to judge it; so don't do it!
Sin is like mud on the windshield; it hinders your vision and perspective and you can't think straight.

Start doing things you don't want to do.
God is the model for all virtues.
Discipline your emotions, don't let them discipline you.
Don't indulge in the mopey blue feelings.
Listen to what your feelings, mind, and thoughts are saying and if it is not pleasant and Godly, switch to a different channel.

When you don't feel cheerful, pray.

How to be cheerful in trials.
God gives us little trials to prepare us for big ones.
Grieve like Christian women when some one dies.
Don't be cheerful in the sense of pretending that nothing sad happened.
Grieve for them, thank God for them, and realize that God does all things well.

When talking to someone who has lost someone dear, unless you are a close friend, don't dwell on the sadness.
Let them know you are praying for them.
Cheer them by changing the subject etc.
Again God does all things well.

Class 3 -Diligence

Diligence means hard working, steady, persevering, constant, and careful.
All things we do are through God's grace.
Be diligent in chores, school, jobs, dance, etc.

Don't be a workaholic but work willingly.
Don't be a wimp; don't be afraid of working with your hands.
Don't be easily lead astray.

There is danger in idleness.
Idleness tends to lead to sin.
Don't share your parents faults with other people.

God blesses diligence.

Be diligent in following the Lord.
Pay attention to your spiritual life.
How is your soul doing?
2 Peter 1:5-8

Monday, February 12, 2007

Valentine's Day is Coming!

My Valentinr - harptunes
Get your own valentinr

This is really cool! I got it from Miss Erin.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Got to see this

All right people, I stole this link from Lindsey. Go here to see Ryan giving his declamation, it is.... shall we say very cool.

Tag from Cristina

Three things that scare me: Spiders, close spaces, crazy drivers
Three people who make me laugh: Traci, my little brother David, Valerie's giggles
Three things I love: My family, friends, and music
Three things I hate: Mushrooms, open cupboards, dirty kitchen floors
Three things I don't understand: Greek, Halo, Why there are not more that 24 hours in a day
Three things on my desk: My watch, a stack of books, a pencil with "I survived Lemony Snicket" on it
Three things I'm doing right now: Listening to "The ABC Murders" by Agatha Christy, typing this, deciding what to do next
Three things I want to do before I die: Go to Europe, raise a family, ski
Three things I can do: Play the harp, wink with only one eye, teach piano
Three things you should listen to: A baby's laugh, Handel's Messiah and Israel in Egypt, the ocean waves
Three things you should never listen to: Mothers yelling at their children, Sirens, gossip
Three things I'd like to learn: How to scuba dive, how to speed read, how to speak Latin with ease
Three favorite foods: Chicken Caesar Saled, Pizza, Bread
Three beverages I drink regularly: Water, Iced Tea, Juice
Three TV shows/Books I watched/read as a kid:Sesame Street, Wish Bone, The Crat Brothers

An Essay

Here is an essay I recently wrote for my writing class. Let me know what you think.

Changing Emma

“Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence.” So begins Jane Austen’s much loved novel, Emma. The heroine, Emma Woodhouse, is a young lady of high social standing who enjoys flattery and attention. Mr. Knightley is the only gentleman who refrains from flattering Emma and instead corrects her mistakes. By showing true charity to those around him, Mr. Knightley helps change Emma from a selfish girl to an honest woman.

Mr. Knightley is one of the only people to show true charity to the Bateses. By being truly interested in their welfare, Mr. Knightley sets himself up as an example for Emma. The Bateses are two poor women who have fallen from their former social standings. Mr. Knightley is constantly assisting them. At one point, the Bateses are invited to a party and were going to have to decline the invitation due to the fact that they could not afford a carriage. Mr. Knightley arrives on the scene and offers the use of his carriage. Miss Bates said that “nobody was every so fortunate as herself” and thanked Mr. Knightley profusely. Instead of blocking out Miss Bates’ chatter like most people, Mr. Knightley respects her and pays attention to what she says.

Emma, on the other hand, is not truly interested in the Bateses. She pays them visits only to look kind in the eyes of others. While visiting the Bateses, Emma often finds herself lost in thought when Miss Bates is talking to her. Emma does not respect Miss Bates’s age or former social standings but mocks her. During the Box Hill picnic, Emma makes fun of Miss Bates by making a hurtful remark about how much Miss Bates talks. Mr. Knightley is gracious toward the Bateses while Emma is unkind and mocking. Mr. Knightley acts with true charity and sets an example for Emma to follow.

Mr. Knightley also shows true charity to Emma. While all the gentlemen around Emma are flattering her, Mr. Knightley remains unflattering and truthful. At one point in the book, Emma has sketched a portrait of Harriet and is displaying to several people. Mr. Elton “was in constant raptures” over the portrait and flattered Emma’s skill throughout the evening; he even insisted on personally taking the portrait to London to be framed. Mr. Knightley does not flatter her but simply states “‘you have made her too tall, Emma’” which was true for “Emma knew that she had, but would not own it.” Mr. Knightley does not flatter Emma but points out the truth.

Mr. Knightley is honest to Emma and does not deceive her. He points out her crucial mistakes that others brush over in flattery. At the beginning of the book, Harriet Smith, who has no claims “either of birth, nature, or education,” has been befriended by Emma. Harriet comes to Emma to receive her advice about a marriage proposal for Mr. Martin, a tenant under Mr. Knightley. Emma has plans for Harriet to marry someone else and so convinces Harriet to refuse Mr. Martin. Harriet refuses a respectable marriage in the hope that she might possibly get a better one. When Mr. Knightly discovers Emma’s role in this decision, he is very disappointed in her and rebukes her manipulation of Harriet’s life. After Emma is unkind to Miss Bates during the Box Hill party, Mr. Knightley upbraids her rather than let it go as a slip of the tongue. Mr. Knightley says “She [Miss Bates] is poor; she has sunk from the comforts she was born to…Her situation should secure your compassion. It was badly done, indeed.” Mr. Knightley acts with true charity by not flattering Emma but pointing out her mistakes.

Throughout Jane Austen’s Emma, Mr. Knightley’s acts of true charity change Emma. Mr. Knightley constantly shows courtesy to the Bateses, setting an example for Emma to follow. Toward Emma, Mr. Knightley shows true love by refusing to flatter her. By pointing out her mistakes, Mr. Knightley helps Emma acknowledge her errors and change into a woman worthy of his love.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy 16th Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 16th Birthday to Cristina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone go here and wish her a wonderful day!

You have been a spectacular friend and I am very thankful for you friendship. May you have a beautiful day!!!!!


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Quotes from Tacitus

I have recently finished reading The Annals of Imperial of Rome by Tacitus and have found a few quotes from it.

"Yet even apparently insignificant events such as these are worth examination. For they often cause major historical developments."

"For things unnoticed are forgotten; resentment confers status upon them."

"The senate ordered his books to be burnt by the aediles. But they survived, first hidden and later republished. This makes one deride the stupidity of people who believe that today's authority can destroy tomorrow's memories."

Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 16th Birthday to Erin!!!!!!

Everyone head over here and wish her a Happy Birthday!

Erin, you have been a super great friend and I look forward to many more years of friendship. May God bless you in the years to come as he has in the past.

Love ya,


Monday, January 01, 2007


Erin tagged me a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago so I hope this is the right one.

A - Available/Single?
B - Best Friend?
All my friends are wonderful and I could not pick a "best friend" from them.
C- Cake or Pie?
D - Drink Of Choice?
Some delicious juice
E - Essential Item You Use Everyday?
F - Favorite Color?
A grayish-greenish-blueish color
G - Gummy Bears or Worms?
H - Hometown?
As is where I grew up? Bigfork, Montana
I - Indulgence?
Bucer's (a local coffee shop)
J - January or February?
January, sister's birthday, friends' birthdays
K - Kids?
My siblings
L - Life Is Incomplete Without?
M - Marriage Date?
Some time after the next 4 years (Lord willing)
N- Number Of Siblings?
I'll say 9; 8 brothers here, 1 on the way, and 1 sister
O - Oranges or Apples?
P - Phobias/Fears?
Q - Favorite Quote?
Sorry, don't have a favorite, there are too many wonderful ones!
R - Reason to Smile?
Every day
S - Season?
As in favorite season? Spring or Fall
T – I Tag
Whomever has not done this
U - Unknown Fact about Me?
I worry about possible deaths of people when they are late
V - Vegetable you don't like?
W - Worst Habit?
Putting off homework
X - X-rays You've Had?
None that I know of :)
Y - Your Favorite Food?
I don't know. At the moment, Chicken Caesar Salad
Z - Zodiac Sign?
Huh? Possibly Cancer (the crab)?

I'm Back!

First of all,





Where have I been?

I am on break and enjoying myself immensely. On Wednesday, the 19 of Dec., I lead the girls choir from my church. Mr. R., the choir director, had sent out an e-mail canceling choir but since the church office was closed, the e-mail did not get out till after choir. So, we were all sitting there and Mr. R. still had not arrived. One of the moms came in and appointed Cristina and myself to continue choir. Cristina had just joined the beginning of this school year and I have been doing choir for about 5 years, so Cristina helped set things up and I lead. We went over the two songs we were singing in church on Sunday with the younger girls and after they left continued working on Handel's Messiah with the older girls. Everyone behaved wonderfully and I believe we all had a great time. My first taste of directing. It was quite exciting.

The girls' choir sang in church Christmas Eve and I believe we did very well. Mr. R. once said that we would sound "precious" and that definition fits perfectly. We did not sound strikingly beautiful, nor horridly bad, but rather precious.

Last night, for New Year's Eve, we went to the Q's house. We played "Aw Schucks", "Family", and "Four on the Sofa". It was a blast!

This morning, I went over to Cristina's house and we played Age of Empires III and Star Craft. Very fun :)

Hope you all have not abandoned me and will continue to visit my blog despite my terrible sin of not posting for simply ages.

Smiles (off to watch tons of football)

Kelsie Eve