Tuesday, August 21, 2007


As many of you know, I this year is going to be a huge change for me. I am going to a private school and bidding homeschooling goodbye. This decision has been one of the hardest we have had to make concerning my future. Going to this school will offer a better education that I could hope to achieve on my own as well as help preparing for college. The down side is that since this decision was very last minute all the plans that I had made for homeschooling and tutorials have crashed to the ground, leaving me feeling like an uprooted traitor.

So, I am getting ready for a very busy school year. I have school from 8:30-3:15 every week day and then either work of have some activity till about 6:00 each night. I then have dinner as well as homework to finish that night. Saturdays consist of a dance class in the morning then work till 4:00. Sundays will be beautiful, glorious days of rest :)

Hope to be alive enough to continue to post but we shall see.

"Fortune is a fickle-footed ally."
-The Jewish War by Josephus

"Life brings sorrows and joys alike. It is what a man does with them- not what they do to him- that is the true test of his mettle."
-Theodore Roosevelt


Erin said...

:) You're going to do just marvelous, I know it!

Love ya!

Traci said...

yeah for change...kind of...heh