Monday, June 04, 2007

Where Have I Been?

So, right now I am watching You've Got Mail. It is really fun and it is pretty clean. Only one part to skip because of what they say and just a little language. Over all a very fun, girly movie.

I have an awesome job at Green's Cleaners (a dry cleaners downtown). I love my job!!! It is so fun but there are so many little details to remember. I am feeling really good about knowing what to do... except for closing, that needs a little more practice. I even have a key to the building!! The first key on my key chain :)

I will be leaving on Monday for the horse camp work week and coming back on Friday. Saturday I work, go to a graduation party, maybe host a meeting, do tons of laundry, and repack for another week of the girls horse camp. Monday through Saturday I will be at the horse camp. As soon as July gets here I will have a grand B-day party for myself and then start thinking about the SAT, ACT, and collage scholarships, plus work like crazy to make enough money for a grand trip in the spring.

So, that is what I have been up to lately :)
Type at you all later,
Many smiles :)

Like my new look??? I am having fun!!!


Erin said...

I do like your new look! :)

Katherine Vest said...

Hey Kelsie! How are you? I have basically switched to xanga, so if you want to see my new blog, go to:

I didn't know your birthday was in July. :-) Mine's the 22 of that month. What day is yours?
Hope you have a wonderful day~

Traci said...

Love the look, Kelsie!
Wow, you are going to be very busy......:D

Kelsie Handel said...

Thank you all for continueing to visit me.

Erin, Glad you like it :)

Traci, Thanks and yes, very busy.

Katherine, Thanks for stopping by so often. My Birthday is the first of July. I will pop over and visit you in a moment :)

Ptáček said...

Kelsie! 'ello! Sorry it takes me so long to respond...I'm bad that way. *hides*

Thanks for the comment on xanga! Hey, do you mind if I add you to the links on my blogspot?
Yes I do like the new look, even though I don't think I ever saw the old one. lol. :)

Have a splendiforous time at horse camp! I *adore* family and I have owned various horses in and out of the past 12 years...though we don't have any currently. *Sniffle*

"see" ya around.
Blessings, Havie

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to the both of us! If I knew your email address I would send you a card.