Monday, January 01, 2007

I'm Back!

First of all,





Where have I been?

I am on break and enjoying myself immensely. On Wednesday, the 19 of Dec., I lead the girls choir from my church. Mr. R., the choir director, had sent out an e-mail canceling choir but since the church office was closed, the e-mail did not get out till after choir. So, we were all sitting there and Mr. R. still had not arrived. One of the moms came in and appointed Cristina and myself to continue choir. Cristina had just joined the beginning of this school year and I have been doing choir for about 5 years, so Cristina helped set things up and I lead. We went over the two songs we were singing in church on Sunday with the younger girls and after they left continued working on Handel's Messiah with the older girls. Everyone behaved wonderfully and I believe we all had a great time. My first taste of directing. It was quite exciting.

The girls' choir sang in church Christmas Eve and I believe we did very well. Mr. R. once said that we would sound "precious" and that definition fits perfectly. We did not sound strikingly beautiful, nor horridly bad, but rather precious.

Last night, for New Year's Eve, we went to the Q's house. We played "Aw Schucks", "Family", and "Four on the Sofa". It was a blast!

This morning, I went over to Cristina's house and we played Age of Empires III and Star Craft. Very fun :)

Hope you all have not abandoned me and will continue to visit my blog despite my terrible sin of not posting for simply ages.

Smiles (off to watch tons of football)

Kelsie Eve


Dorothy Plaza BSN, RN, DPP Master Trainer said...

She's.... ALIVE!!!!! Hurray!!!! You are a good chior director ;).

Sherry said...

That's great that you were able to continue your rehearsal. Way to go! Hope your family has a great 2007.

Erin said...

That is SO COOL! You got to be a director!

Acting Gal said...

YOU GOT TO BE DIRECTOR!!!!!!!!!! *no fair* :D

I hope you had tons of fun watching tons of football. :)
I sure did!!!
