Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Presenting the all fabulous..... Sunbutter!!!!

What is sunbutter? Sunbutter is roasted sunflower seeds ground into a peanut butter substance and used as a substitute for peanut butter.

What's so great about that? Now, people who are allergic to peanuts can use Sunbutter in place of peanut butter. Then can eat PB&J sandwiches with the Sunbutter as well as us it in recipes!!!

What do I care? My litter sister is deathly allergic to peanuts so this is something she can eat!!! When her brothers have PB&J's for lunch Mama does not have to make something totally different for her. She loves Sunbutter on crackers, in oatmeal, anytime one would use peanut butter.

The taste? It tastes like sunflower seeds. The texture is just like peanut butter, only darker.

Who ever invented Sunbutter is sure to become very rich in the future. Thank you Mr. Sunbutter-Inventor!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

*yes, I know about the big picture but am too tired to deal with it so if you have any suggetions as how to get it smaller do leave a comment. If not, just enjoy the pretty scenery.


As many of you know, I this year is going to be a huge change for me. I am going to a private school and bidding homeschooling goodbye. This decision has been one of the hardest we have had to make concerning my future. Going to this school will offer a better education that I could hope to achieve on my own as well as help preparing for college. The down side is that since this decision was very last minute all the plans that I had made for homeschooling and tutorials have crashed to the ground, leaving me feeling like an uprooted traitor.

So, I am getting ready for a very busy school year. I have school from 8:30-3:15 every week day and then either work of have some activity till about 6:00 each night. I then have dinner as well as homework to finish that night. Saturdays consist of a dance class in the morning then work till 4:00. Sundays will be beautiful, glorious days of rest :)

Hope to be alive enough to continue to post but we shall see.

"Fortune is a fickle-footed ally."
-The Jewish War by Josephus

"Life brings sorrows and joys alike. It is what a man does with them- not what they do to him- that is the true test of his mettle."
-Theodore Roosevelt

Monday, August 06, 2007

It's Here

Trinity Fest!!!!

Jump For Joy Wakka Wakka Bounce Way Too Happy