Tuesday, July 25, 2006


A while ago I was tagged by Miss Erin. So, here are my answers.

You Know You are Crazy About Dancing When…

1. Your feet run through the steps even when you are sitting at dinner.

2. You sing the music on ‘da’ when you are dancing without the music playing.

3.You have a dancers illness called Shin Splints ;)

4.You know off the top of your head how many 8 counts you have in each section.

5.Your dance shoes don’t look brand new anymore.

I now tag Cristina (also know as Irish Dancer) and anyone who likes.


Dorothy Plaza BSN, RN, DPP Master Trainer said...


What in the WORLD am I going to write on since you have taken dancing? What am I crazy about?

Dorothy Plaza BSN, RN, DPP Master Trainer said...

ohhhhhh! I know... if I can come up with some answers!

Erin said...

Thanks. ;)

Anonymous said...

that's great Kelsie!

Erin said...

are you going to post pics from your b-day party? I'd love to see some.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested