Here is something I got off of Dr. Grant's blog that I though quite amusing. There is a really funny story behind why he posted this so go to his blog and read it. Believe me, these are really funny.
"96 two-letter words--with their definitions--from that great repository of literary learning: The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary. And they are all spelled correctly:
AA: rough, cindery lava
AB: abdominal muscle
AD: advertisement
AE: one
AG: pertaining to agriculture
AH: expresses delight
AI: three-toed sloth
AL: an East Indian tree
AM: form of "to be"
AN: indefinite article
AR: the letter "R"
AS: to the same degree
AT: in the position of
AW: expresses protest
AX: cutting tool
AY: affirmative vote
BA: (Egyptian) eternal soul
BE: to have actuality
BI: a bisexual
BO: a pal
BY: a side issue
DE: of; from: used in names
DO: a tone of the scale
ED: pertaining to education
EF: the letter "F"
EH: expresses doubt
EL: elevated railroad
EM: the letter "M"
EN: the letter "N"
ER: expresses hesitation
ES: the letter "S"
ET: a past tense of eat
EX: the letter "X"
FA: a tone of the scale
GO: to move along
HA: sound of surprise
HE: male person
HI: used as a greeting
HM: expresses consideration
HO: expresses surprise
ID: part of the psyche
IF: a possibility
IN: to harvest
IS: form of "to be"
IT: neuter pronoun
JO: sweetheart
KA: (Egyptian) spiritual self
LA: tone of the scale
LI: Chinese unit of distance
LO: expresses surprise
MA: mother
ME: personal pronoun
MI: tone of the scale
MM: expresses assent
MO: a moment UP: to raise
MU: a Greek letter
MY: possessive pronoun
NA: no; not
NE: born with the name of
NO: a negative reply
NU: a Greek letter
OD: a hypothetical force
OE: Faeroe Islands whirlwind
OF: coming from
OH: to exclaim in surprise
OM: a mantra
ON: batsman's side of wicket
OP: a style of abstract art
OR: the heraldic color gold
OS: a bone
OW: expresses pain
OX: a clumsy person
OY: expresses dismay
PA: father
PE: a Hebrew letter
PI: a Greek letter
RE: a tone of the scale
SH: urges silence
SI: ti (a tone of the scale)
SO: sol (a tone of the scale)
TA: expression of gratitude
TI: a tone of the scale
TO: in the direction of
UH: expresses hesitation
UM: indicates hesitation
UN: one
US: personal pronoun
UT: musical tone (is now DO)
WE: pronoun
WO: woe"
Great, huh :)
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
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That IS great. I was just reading on Dr. G's blog the other day (I rarely ever do) and I saw that post and thought how great it was.
Stares at the screen... huh?
kind of agrees with Cristina.........what does it mean? heh...
Well... go to Dr. Grant's blog and read what he said!
The list is a list of two letter words.
This is a great post, it deserves more than 4 comments! So here is a fifth!!! :D
I'm looking forward to tomorrow night......WHAT IS KELSIE'S NEWS??? It's *killing* me!
You will see tomorrow... and boy is it exciting!!! If anyone tells Erin I will personaly kill you.
See you tomorrow, dear, and do get better :)
I am sad! I could cry! I can't go tomorrow night. My aunt and uncle are here now, and friends from Boise are coming on friday to stay the night. I want to see Erin's face when you tell her. :( I need to call Rosie to tell her...
he he... you were probably wondering what in the world I was talking about... just ignore me... I will be sitting in my corner quietly.
I though you were talking about Rosie's party. :-D
This is very interesting site... » »
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