Tuesday, June 27, 2006

This Is Where I Stand

I am here!! In Virginia!!!! I will give you daily updates on Virginia and then when I get home, an update on the horse camp. So, starting with yesterday. I got up a 3:30 and left at about 4:30. We got to Spokane at 6:10 and my flight left at 7:10. I checked in one bag and carried on my backpack and (joy) my laptop!!!! Papa was able to escort me to the gate but Mama and Emma were not able to go past security. The flight to Las Vegas was under 2 hours and very pleasant. I got a window seat. After getting to Vegas, the flight had a two hour delay (on top of me being there about an hour early). I read my book, Jane Eyre. The second flight was longer but beautiful. I finished my book and enjoyed the clouds. I met my grandparents, went out to eat, and got to their house in Chase City safely. Today, we drove to visit my Aunt Renee who lives near Asheboro (about two and a half hours from here). We hung out, had lunch with her, and then drove back. Tomorrow I will tell you about a kitten and will show that I do not totally hate them ;) And also I will post a bit of what I wrote on the plane.


Erin said...

Some people despise plane rides; I think the only awful parts are the taking off and the landing. Other than that I find them somewhat exhilirating and I love the feeling of - independence? - that I get when I ride on them.

Can't wait to hear about the kittens, and what you wrote. :)

Dorothy Plaza BSN, RN, DPP Master Trainer said...

You're alive!!! Glad that you are having a god time. I can't wait to hear about the kitten and all that jazz ;). And I am glad that you did not get lost in the airport :). (Now you have been to Las Vegas) We will miss you in dance class today!! :(

Anonymous said...

So is it just you going?

Kelsie Handel said...

Hi Lindsey!!!! Yes it is just me :) I flew all by myself and didn't die or anything.

The best parts of flying is taking off, landing, turbulance, and the view.

I missed class:( I will be talking to you very soon about it though;)

Love y'all!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
*scream* Your first airplane flight alone!!
I really like airplane rides!! But, I would rather skip taking off and the flying for the first 10 minutes. Then I reallly enjoy it. I enjoy landing ( kind of) and getting into another airport, expecially if it's a big one!!! I'm always worried that our plane is going to get hi-jacked or something, though.
