Wednesday, June 28, 2006

God's Glory

Let’s back up to Monday.
I am about 1 and ½ hours from Raleigh Durham. I am flying above a flat unwrinkled land, dotted by cloud shadows. The earth is divided into perfect squares, rectangles, and an occasional circle resembling a clock. The world and towns look like play houses. Everything is a perfect miniature. Cars drive on thin roads, people, smaller than ants, walk about, houses with pools in their back yards can be seen in detail. Though the sun shines, it must be cold out, tiny ice crystals cling to the windows . I am above the clouds. They appear to be islands on the blue plane, billowing up in thick pillars lying flat in the misty stillness. Clouds are everywhere and no land is visible. Through the white, a dark gaping hole opens, revealing mountains crossed with snow. Clouds come in two types. The thin misty type that spreads everywhere, and the firm pure white kind. The kind that builds and becomes incredible formations. The kind that pillows should be made of and that one wishes to grasp. They create a land of their own, full of hills and valleys. They are sculptures rising out of the air. Our God is truly amazing and His creation speaks His glory.


Erin said...

I absolutely loved that Kelsie! Great job of lovely descriptions.

Addie said...

Beautiful post, Kelsie. I loved it. I'm going to fly to Oklahoma in about two weeks, and I'm really nervous about flying alone. So, reading your post adds a little more confidence to my fear. I *want* to see what you saw. I *want* to fly high over everything else. I *want* to be able to not be afraid of this. So, thank you for the post. It helps. :)

Sherry said...

We take flying so for granted these days, that most people on planes don't even look out the windows. People use to yearn and yearn to see what the birds see. Thanks for posting you thoughts. I especially like the part about how the clouds form their own land... Mrs. M

Dorothy Plaza BSN, RN, DPP Master Trainer said...

Awesome! I am glad that you were able to post that after you got off the plane. You sould make a poem out of it.

That reminds me I still need to do my four character descriptions for writing. oppps!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is really neat, Kelsie.
There is also the bumpy kind of cloud!!!!!