Tuesday, November 07, 2006


"History is written by the victors and for their own end." -Dr. George Grant

"Never give in, never give in, never, never, never -- in nothing, great or small, large of petty -- never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense." -Winston Churchill

"The gospel is like a caged loin. It does not need to be defended, it just needs to be let out of its cage." -Charles Spurgeon

On the topic of science vs. God...

"No gods, no masters, for Science is now our decree. Just facts, just factors, in the temple of truth we're free. Our savior, our deliver, a priest in white robes. The Scienists, the experts, in them lie out greatest hopes." -Erasmus Darwin

This is what some people believe today. Pretty scary!


Anonymous said...

Very nice quotes!!!

Kelsie Handel said...

Why do I only get one comment on my wonderful quotes????

Thank you Traci!!!

Kelsie Handel said...

Still only 2 comments!!! You have got to be kidding me.

Erin said...

Great quotes KK! *sheepish grin*