Monday, October 30, 2006

Back form Nowhere

Boy, have I been away form the blogging world for a while or what?

I have been busy with school, school, and more school.

Here is some big news for you Harry Potter fans, I am reading the books. I am on the fourth and am enjoying them. I must agree that the authors writing style is great and her plot line is captivating.

Another grand news. I am deeply taken with someone............. Don't panic, it is not true love, just another barrier broken down. I adore a cat that has been coming around for that last week. She is beautiful! She is dark brownish tanish blackish kinda like a tortoise shell pattern. She is a darling and will lay with her head on my shoulder and purr like crazy. We will see if I can get a picture of her to post.

And more news. This blog was originally intended to be a summer blog so I may not be posting very often. Please keep coming and commenting even if you don't have anything to say. I will attempt to post at least once a month.

Smiles and autumn cheer for everyone!


Erin said...

Hello hello there! :)

Aw, I wanna see the cat!

Hope to see you soon.

Erin said...

P.S. I'm glad you're enjoying Harry Potter. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't have anything to say.

Anonymous said...

I'm coming over tonight.

Dorothy Plaza BSN, RN, DPP Master Trainer said...

That car sounds so cute! I want to see it! You are gonna be just as hooked on HP as me (if that is possible) by the time you get to book 5 and 6 ;).

Dorothy Plaza BSN, RN, DPP Master Trainer said...

Yes, that is right the car. Boy do I feel stupid. CAT!

Anonymous said...

Glad your liking HP!!! Maybe you can go to a midnight release of the 7th!

Erin said...

Which of the books has been your favorite so far?

Kelsie Handel said...

Wow! Eight comments!

Erin, I don't know which is my favorite... probablly the third at the moment because it is more different from the movie than the others. Hope to see you soon!

Traci, I'm not that crazy, yet :)

Lindsey, You were coming over???

Cristina, *dies of laughter* I didn't think I said anything about a car... you never know though.

Erin said...

Hi KK! *waves*

Anonymous said...

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