Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Now that you are confused and are wondering "what in the world?"; I will tell all. Myself an several friends (Erin, Traci and Cristina included) are in the prossess of producing Sophocles' Antigone. Brady is filming and the rest of us are busy memorizing lines, creating costumes, and many other laborius tasks.

Smiles for everyone!!!!! :D


Erin said...

This is just to say: yes, I know Mr. Reagen sent an email saying Messiah scores are in, but YOURS IS COMING so don't buy one! I promise! It should be here soon, I hope.....

Plus, yours will be a dollar cheaper. ;)

Anonymous said...

*humph* I'M in Antigone too. *frowns*


Soooooooooooooo, great post!

Kelsie Handel said...

Sorry Traci !!!!! I didn't know if you minded being linked to :( Can I link you ??????

Dorothy Plaza BSN, RN, DPP Master Trainer said...

Hey Erin! I believe Kelsie said that you ordered your Messiah books from Amazon.... or am I making that up? If you did, can you send me the link, or post it here? I want to make sure that I get the right one. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You can link me Kelsie!!!!!!!!

Kelsie Handel said...

The stupid blogger thing won't let me edit the post :( Everyone just know that Traci is out there in the post and we are linked to her. :)

Anonymous said...

hehe..........thank you Kelsie! I feel SO special!

Kelsie Handel said...

Hey! It linked!!!!???!!!